Today, June 4th, the Seaweed Day is celebrated, and a Seaweed Manifesto is launched, it is the result of a collaborative work of seaweed supporters from private sector, research institutions, UN agencies and civil society. The goal is to reflect on the potential of seaweed to feed the world, mitigate climate change and support ecosystems.
Portugal has a long coastline (1860 km) with a huge variety of seaweeds (about 400), and an aquaculture production considered among the best in the world. Although we live in a country where sea products have always been part of the culture and the gastronomy, seaweeds are rarely present in our food.
The Seaweed Day reinforces the importance of including them in our food and of the work we have been developing. It also gives us even more motivation to continue in the fascinating discovery and dissemination of this delicious and sustainable food alternative.

Seaweed Day
The Seaweed Manifesto