João Paulo Noronha, PhD
Graduated in Pharmacy from the «University of Porto» (UPorto). Since 1990, he is a lecturer at the «Faculty of Sciences and Technology» (FCT), «NOVA University of Lisbon» (UNL). From the PhD in Organic Chemistry by FCT/UNL in 2001 until now he is Assistant Professor at FCT/UNL. Is a REQUIMTE-LAQV researcher. He developed his career, focused in the area of Analytical and Organic Chemistry, with participation in 10 scientific research projects. Supervised or oversees a total of 6 doctoral students, 2 postdoctoral students, 11 undergraduates and 15 undergraduate students. He leads a team consisting of 2 senior researchers and 3 PhD students. It has about 75 publications in indexed international journals.
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Mario Diniz, PhD
Graduated in Aquatic Sciences from the «University of Porto» (UPorto), Master in Ecology, Management and Modeling of Marine Resources by «Faculty of Sciences and Technology» (FCT), «NOVA University of Lisbon» (UNL) and Doctorate in Environmental Sciences (FCT/UNL). At the beginning of his career he has developed several projects to support fisheries and aquaculture, including technical actions to disseminate with the entities of the sector and the edition of an Aquaculture Manual. In addition, he developed his career focused on environmental toxicology, mainly on aquatic species and environmental risk assessment. He has collaborated in numerous projects related to the aquatic environment and marine biota. Currently, he is Assistant Professor at FCT/UNL and researcher at the UCIBIO center. Supervised or oversees a total of 6 doctoral students, 6 postdoctoral students, 5 undergraduates and 23 undergraduate students. Throughout his research career he has produced numerous works, currently counting on 84 publications in indexed international journals, 6 book chapters and participation in 18 scientific research projects. One of the ongoing projects, funded by FCT/MCES and where it is PI, focuses on assessing the quality of fishery products through the development of new sensors. In addition, it collaborates actively with other research centers and universities such as the Faculty of Sciences from the University of Lisbon (FCUL), IPMA or I3S (Porto) in the development of its scientific work.
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Paulina Mata, PhD
Graduated in Chemical Engineering from «Higher Technical Institute» (IST), Lisbon, and PhD in Organic Chemistry by the «Faculty of Sciences and Technology» (FCT), «NOVA University of Lisbon» (UNL). Assistant Professor at FCT/UNL. Coordinates the Master in Gastronomic Sciences (FCT/UNL & ISA/UL). Researcher at REQUIMTE-LAQV. Member of the «Advisory Subcommittee of the Chemical Nomenclature and Structure Representation Division (VIII)» of IUPAC. Develops research on technological applications of Molecular Gastronomy. Supervises or supervised 3 doctoral students, 33 master's degree students and 2 postdoctoral fellows. She has about 20 publications in journals of international circulation with scientific arbitration, 6 in national magazines and 2 chapters of books. He has written for 5 years regularly in the press on topics related to cooking and science («Diário de Notícias», 2004-2007; «Intermagazine - Revista Profissional de Hotelaria e Restauração», 2005-2008).
She is interested in the dissemination of science, an area in which he collaborated with «Ciência Viva» (Living Science), belonging to the team that developed «A Cozinha é um Laboratório» (The Kitchen is a Laboratory). Author of two books of scientific divulgation: «Aprender Aprender Ciência de Forma Divertida e Saborosa – Sugestões de experiências para fazer em família» (Learning Science in a Fun and Tasty Way - Suggestions of experiences to make in family), Ciência Viva, 2009 (with English version); and, in coautorship with M. Guerreiro, «A Cozinha é um Laboratório» (The Kitchen is a Laboratory), 4th edition, 2017. Participated in several TV programs, namely «AB Ciência» (series of 13 programs of scientific divulgation) - RTP1.
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Leonel Pereira, PhD
Graduated in Biology (scientific field) and PhD in Biology (cell biology specialty), by the «Faculty of Sciences and Technology from the Coimbra University» (FCTUC), where he is currently Professor. In addition to teaching at this university, he is also an researcher integrated in MARE (Center for Marine and Environmental Sciences) and IMAR (Institute of the Sea). There interests are mainly focused on Marine Biodiversity (algae), Marine Biotechnology (bioactive algae compounds) and Marine Ecology (environmental assessment). Since 2008, he has been the author and editor of the electronic publication MACOI - Portuguese Portal of Macroalgae ( He is author than more 20 books and book chapters, has published until now more than 20 scientific articles in international journals, more than 15 book chapters, more than 10 books, is editor of 2 books published by international publishers, and has delivered more of a hundred lectures and oral communications in various national and international scientific events. In 1998 he received the Francisco de Holanda Prize (Honorable Mention) and, more recently, the Rei D. Carlos ocean prize (18th edition).
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Jelena Milinovic, PhD
PhD in Environmental Analytical Chemistry obtained by Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Barcelona in Spain, MSc in Quality of Analytical Laboratories (EMQAL - European Master in Quality for Analytical Laboratories) obtained by the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Algarve in Portugal, BSc in Biochemistry.
Competences acquired for the Management of Analytical Laboratories and the Accreditation. High competences in the determination of elements (AAS, ICP-OES, ICP-MS), mineral phases (FT-NIR, SWIR, XRD) and organic compounds, as fatty acids, volatile compounds, organic contaminants, pesticides, etc. by different techniques (GC-FID, GC-MS, UPLC-MS/MS) in various matrices.
Experienced in applied research areas, such as agri-food quality, geochemistry, marine biology and toxin analysis at the National Reference Laboratory of Marine Toxins at IPMA.
Reviser in the International journals (Springer, Elsevier) generally chemically oriented, but covering all the broad areas of Environmental Sciences.
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Bruno Campos, MSc
Graduate in Biology (scientific field) from the «University of Évora» (UEvora) and Master in Gastronomic Sciences from the «Faculty of Sciences and Technology» (FCT), «NOVA University of Lisbon» (UNL), and «Institute of Agronomy» (ISA), «University of Lisbon» (UL). Previously, he was a instructor at the Institute of «Employment and Professional Training» (IEFP) in the areas of cooking, pastry and bakery, having played roles as cook in Europe, Bermuda and USA. His interests include molecular gastronomy, ethnobiology, popular science and food philosophy. He likes arts in general, yoga and nature.
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Bruno Moreira-Leite, MSc
Graduated in Economy from the «Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro» (PUC-Rio, Brazil) and Gastronomy and Cooking from the «Estácio de Sá University» (UNESA, RJ, Brazil),. He made a specialization in Regional and «Bistrot» French Cuisine from the Alain Ducasse Formation (ADF) and Master in Gastronomic Sciences from the «Faculty of Sciences and Technology» (FCT), «NOVA University of Lisbon» (UNL), and «Institute of Agronomy» (ISA), «University of Lisbon» (UL). As well as work in various establishments, he has been restaurant owner for two and a half years. Adds more than 14 years of career in the area of gastronomy. He is currently a PhD student in Food Sciences (FCT/UNL), collaborator of the Master in Gastronomical Sciences (FCT/UNL) and researcher in the present project. His research area includes diverse topics such as Phycogastronomy, Molecular Gastronomy and Development of New Products.
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Abigail Lopes Salgado, MSc
Graduated in Cookery and Food Production from «Higher Institute for Tourism and Hotel Studies» (ESHTE) and MSc in Gastronomical Sciences from the «Faculty of Sciences and Technology» (FCT), «NOVA University of Lisbon (UNL)», and the «Higher Institute of Agronomy» (ISA), «University of Lisbon (UL)». She did culinary apprenticeships in professional kitchens of influential restaurants: The Fat Duck (Bray, England) and Noma (Copenhagen, Denmark). Moreover, she had experience in product development for restauration and industrial purposes, most recently at the Nordic Food Lab (NFL) at the Department of Food Science at the «University of Copenhagen» (UCPH FOOD). Her fields of interest include product development and innovation, fermented products and sensory perception.
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Patrícia Gabriel, MSc
Bachelor degree in Mathematics (teaching) from the «University of Beira Interior», Master in Computational Mathematics from the «University of Minho», Master in Gastronomic Sciences from the «Faculty of Sciences and Technology» (FCT), «NOVA University of Lisbon» (UNL). She is interested in everything that feeds us, be it bread or virtue.
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