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The Project




The ALGA4FOOD project - «Algae in Gastronomy - Development of innovative conservation and utilization techniques», with the reference MAR-01.03.01-FEAMP-0016, falls within the scope of the Operational Program MAR 2020, in the Priority 1 - Promote an Environmentally Sustainable fishery, Resource-Efficient, Innovative, Competitive and based in the Knowledge; more specifically in Measure 3 - Innovation and knowledge that is established in the support scheme for Innovation and the Transfer of Knowledge between Scientists and Fishermen (Ordonnance no. 114/2016 of 29 April 2016). The project has the financial support of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and is co-financed by the Operational Program MAR2020 in the field of Sustainable Development of Aquaculture in the domains of Innovation, Advice and Productive Investment - Innovation and Knowledge Action.




The objectives of this project fall within the strategy of innovation and transfer of knowledge between scientists and players in the fisheries sector, seeking to:

- Increase the diversity and quality of algae available for food;

- Develop new conservation techniques for algae as a way to preserve their original organoleptic characteristics (aroma, texture, color);

- Evaluate the effect of the various conservation processes through physical-chemical parameters and sensorial analysis;

- Develop new strategies and products to change dietary daily habits and introduction of algae in the Portuguese diet;

- Evaluate the quality of the products developed through physical-chemical parameters and sensorial analysis;

- Contribute to the introduction and acceptance of an extremely nutritious and environmentally valuable food resource, but not yet widely disseminated;

- Disseminate and transfer knowledge among scientists and fishermen and fish farmers.

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Departamento de Química

Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia

Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

©2018 por Alga4Food

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